Didn’t get the job.

While DaVinci Vapor is currently in process of being acquired by Greenlane I was rejected since there was more of a priority on leveraging their existing resources over hiring new resources. I’m a little disappointed since I had all greenlights throughout the interview process but when Corporation chimed in DaVinci didn’t get authorization to hire me. This means I have start applying for more jobs again. I am determined to earn employment.

A Test of Patience…

It may take until next year before I can get the graphic design job with DaVinci Vapor. With the patience of my parents helping me financially and my laser focus on obtaining this job I’m confident that this final interview with GNLN will garner me the approval I require. I recognize that its closer to the end of the year and much of the year is winding down. This job is exactly what I’ve been trying to get so I’m patient enough to wait as well.